
Terrys chocolate onion

listening to: Chris' choice. We now have the studio stereo back in action! Momford and sons currently soothing us through Tuesday morning.

Just found this video thanks to the always excellent musical choice of Bobby over at Kitsune Noir.
Its so dreamy and makes me look forward to running through the woods for the Percival clothing shoot next weekend.Just check out the brilliance of those flags! wow!



mardi gras325 copy

I found this beautiful work by MATTE STEPHENS, a 34 year old artist that lives and works in Portland Oregon. These gouache paintings have such subtle almost modest use of colour combined with surreal twists creates an other worldly atmosphere that harks me back to a non memory of parisian cafes in the 30's smoking roll up cigarette and drinking strong black coffee before jumping in a car to have bizarre adventures. YUSS soooooo soooooo good!almost THIS print from his etsy store. Im . 'I love modern design and im inspired by anything Charles and Ray Eames, Alexander Girard, George Nelson/Irving Harper and artists like Ben Shahn and Paul Klee.'

AJ Fosik

While we are talking about absolutly beuatiful creations although on a slightly differant tip, check out the work of AJ Fosik.

His work really speaks for its self, incredable craft, composition and colour! quite breath taking. the following is an extract from his FECAL FACE interview here. This is AJ describing his relationship with the computer he uses for work...
Yeah, surprisingly as much as I dislike using computers now they really have had a formative influence on my work. In a lot of my early stuff I was using digital techniques and collaging and morphing pre existing imagery. It was a way for me to achieve results beyond what I could do by hand. The end result of this was that I always felt a certain distance or detachment from my own work and when I look back at it now I think I probably felt a bit of dishonesty. I really made a point of ditching the computer all together and focused on doing everything by hand and my current work partially grew out of that struggle or opposition to working digitally. Recently I have started using the computer again but my approach to using it now is almost a complete 180 from what it was. The computer in my shop now functions as little more than another power tool for me. It's really just another tool in the shop to manipulate the medium I work in instead of being the medium.

Pretty interesting i think youll agree... read the rest and see more beutiful pictures here.

We NOW HAVE 500 FOLLOWERS ON TWITTER!!! thanks guys, i'm sure Chris will continue to bring you words of pure wisdom from the Telegramme studio... those not in the loop?...HERE!

back to a very exciting project! cant wait to release it!



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