
Confidence Man

Listening to: NEW MATT PRYOR SOLO RECORD!!!!.......

Have a little listen...its stripped down and accoustic, similar to the solo stuff he was doing while still in the get up kids and its lovely.

Robert Telegramme


the roof is on fire

Listening to: Fleetwood Mac.

South London based artist, Tobias Revell, asked us to be part of a group show in New Cross in August, not only did we agree but we went the extra mile and produced the identity and poster for this little event.

The Poster , obviously based on the name, came from building my own board of pins. great excuse to get away from the desk.
I hope to see many of you there for good music, good art good peoples, good times. Good night.

Robert Telegramme


Listening to: Cut the Blue Wire, on Alcopop records.

Big thanks to Ethan over at Grain Edit, for featring us on this awesome Blog.

Whos off to Alcopopaloozer tomorrow? cant help feeling the weather will draw us off to bike rides but the line up looks ace and a free BBQ????agggghhhhh damn you sunshine...now you show your self!?

appologies to anyone who couldnt get their emails through to us over the last few days. we have had some server issues, all is sorted now! huzzar, email away.

Telegramme are off to see the Dark Knight tonight!!!! so Excited WAAAAAA!

have a lovely weekend
Robert Telegramme


Listening to: The Maple State, We Swear By Light Life
Saturday, after work i took a little trip to epping forest and got lost but found the following things:
3 people are in love
A car is missing a number plate
wooden cartoon ducks live there.
Robert Telegramme


he needs shooting with the perspective gun

Listening to: Second smile, 'stars away'

Here are some pictures of Our summer 08 promo poster. A 14"x 20"3 colour screen print. White, orange and brown on lush thick creamy stock. These will be available in the store in the next few days and are really super limited. Get 'um whil they are hot.
Lots of site updates coming over the net few days and a shop rejig on its way.

SUMMER CAME TO VISIT for a day or two:

The holdsteady came to HMV for an instore performance. Its the only instore ive intentionally been to, and rather strange the whole affair is, having to only play songs off the new album as a pure promotional tool was odd, in a 'jules holland later...' kind of way but getting to see the hold steady after missing my (free) chance at o2 last week was worth it so all was fine. its increadable to see a band actually enjoying playing! talk about way too rare. Then it was off to KOKO to catch the Deathcab 'itunes live' show. thanks to Jasmin for passing me on a winning golden ticket! Again the show had a strange 'promotional' set list, due to being recorded to put up on itunes the band played a kind of festival set of singles and crowd favorites but again it was ace to see them as always...well...its deathcab. Plus BONUS....the tickets also included 10 free downloads. well done itunes.

Robert Telegramme


Listening to : Soria

The Canal Was very green this morning. Im not sure what this means but it looked amazing... no water was visable...kind of like deadly astro turf.

Tuesday i printed a whole bunch of posters for UNKLE. these metallic 3 colour (red with a hint of gold, black with a hint of silver and silver with a hint of gold) bad boys are based on the latest sleeve art by surrenderarts. Printed espesially for unkle's show on saturday, these are a really illimited edition but we have a couple that will be available from the shop, next week sometime.

Robert Telegramme


I only wanted 2 see u underneath the purple rain

Listening to: The New Amsterdams

Boy it really rained.

i didnt use the dressing gown. there was no call for it.

Listening to: Guy Garvey's Finest hour 6 music


anyway how far is kings road from notting hill?'

Listening to: On Elvira Street by Ryan Ferguson

You may or may not have been lucky enough to recieve our frist mail out....fear not unlucksters you can view it HERE.

So i've just got back from Falmouth in Cornwall, from a weekend of bike boats, BBQ's and general adventures. It was my first summer holiday in a couple of years, massive thanks to Oliver for being an incredible host and tour guide.

Im fully refreshed and ready to continue on with some really ace projects we have happening here.

Robert Telegramme
