

listening to: Sam isaac.

soooo i havent posted for a little while due to the fact i have been without a computer for the past week or so.. forcing myself in to the print room. I will be putting up a whole bunch of new posters and prints soon both in the folio sections and the shop for you to spend pocket monies on.
I have really struggled without a computer this last week. making me rethink the way in which i work and my reliance on the computer and the internet. it has worried me a little. But safe to say getting my computer back today has been a real relief and i feel comfortrable once more. perhaps not nessessarely a good thing, comfort. Although there are many differant types. Some as i have found recently being AMAZING, unlike anything else and purly positive! and some scarey and counter productive forcing me to be uncreative in thinking and approaching problems opting for a safe previously walked path. I feel that i need a to be awair of my levels of comfort and to acknowledge them for the better or the worse. Enjoy them, and fend them off. hmmm. my head swirls.

HEY its my 100th post on this blog!!!! wooooo. to celebrate i am posting this incredable video i just found over at fecal face.



Alison Scarpulla

Listening to: Womans Hour, Radio4.

Just came accross the work of Alison Scarpulla. Via Kitsune Noir. Its romantic, dark and it scares me. The Colours are simply Beautiful. i dont really know what to say about it.



12345678 9 12!

listening to: brondtide

I had the extream pleasure of watching the incredably tech and seriously loud brontide on tuesday eve. listen and watch in math awe below. They were also lovely chaps.


rhea jeong: 'void' LP player

Listening to: My First tooth

This is one of the most insane things ive ever seen. I want one soooooo bad!

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peter and his wolf.

Listening to: Delphic - counter point

New Poster for the excellent An Horse from Australia.

You can listen and see there faces and what not in this video...

Here is a few photos that i took a couple of weeks ago on a trip to dimchurch. Taken with a borrowed Olympus XA-1 that i only herd about through wonderful Photographer Owen Richards, thanks Owen.

Robert Telegramme


No map

listening to: This American Life

This is brilliant in everyway....

(taken from Fecalface)

dont need no credit card to ride this train

listening to: Power of love by the early november

Just finished aanouther poster for the lovely peope at the Barfly and BSM. This show is gonna destroy. I heard Adebisi SHank Last week and they blew my socks clean off.

Working on Some killer posters and projects this week. I feel very lucky!

so much love....very tired sleepy love.


to love and to be loved.

Listening to the Gaslight Anthem (STILL)

Literally JUST finished and got this new Moneen Poster Approved.
Managed to hear their new E.P. here. Sounds great and i cant wait to see them Live. The youtube Videos ive seen look wild. their accoustic stuff chris and i got a bit in to a while ago and still sounds great listening to it again...

Off to see the Excellent Gaslight Anthem now. YUSSSSSSSSS.


i could knock the bow and make you miss the apple.

listening to: the sound of my heart beat going tooo fast

just saw this on Its nice that...

Woody from Dan Britt on Vimeo.

there is a little interview with the guy here. He seems like a thoroughly clever productinve chap. Checked out his Vimeo Cchannel to find this awesome rendition of the shinning.

The Colouring from Dan Britt on Vimeo.

Right... back to paperwork and invoicingzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
love love


hold on

listening to: Gaslight Anthem on KEXP listen here.

couple of new editorial pieces finished off this afternoon...

so my awesome Maple state tshirt arrived yesterday in the post. Designed by The amazing Biddy Maroney of We Buy your kids and fantazmagloria.com. amazing!