So the new site is now finally LIVE, as you can see.
LOADS of New work up here. huge updates to the design, illustration and posters sections. So please have a good look around.
Our online shop is also working like a dream.
Its still an early version of the site with im sure a few spelling mistakes and couple of wrong links/images missing. the usual. Please let us know of anything you spot!
Ok This is our New blog. Its time for me to leave my old blogger blog behind for the internet archives. its available here somewhere.
This means a fresh blog and a hell of an easier one to update. So expect some low quality photos from my awful phone camera and ramblings on our work, other peoples work and various bits and pieces.
I found this Sign just round the corner from the studio. Amazing piece of accidental type play. Photocopy settings set to ENLARGE!

While we are on the subject of lo quality photos. I snuck my phone out while at BOB EIGHT POP's incredable print studio. Bob and his team, have been working their fingers to the bone printing 750 posters we designed for the Arctic Monkeys, UK areana tour that is ON RIGHT NOW! I cant tell you how happy we were with the results. These guys KNOW their printing!
Enjoy the new site. Please let us know what you think. Im off for Falafel and meetings.

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